Welcome to my character creation page

Character Creation

This page will be a form for submitting your DND 5e character for a campaign.
The DM will receive inputs.

First name:*
Last name:*
Birth date:* Month: Day: Year:
Character name:*
Gender:* Female Male Nonbinary Transman Transwoman
Class choice:*
Character Race:*
Stats:* Between 1-24 Strength:   Dexterity:    Wisdom:   Intelligence:   Constitution:   Charisma:
What days are you available to play?* Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays
Kayla Campbell php form page

Kayla's DnD Character Creation Page.2025 Enjoy your game!

dmtable image created by Microsoft AI 02.05.2024